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  1. Data Mining for Uncertain Data Based onDifference Degree of Concept Lattice

  2. Improvement of RocksDB Performance via Large-Scale Parameter Analysis and Optimization

  3. A Method for k Nearest Neighbor Query of Line Segment in Obstructed Spaces

  4. New Construction of Order-Preserving Encryption Based on Order-Revealing Encryption

  5. Contribution to Improve Database Classification Algorithms for Multi-Database Mining

  6. Efficient Hybrid Transactional Memory Scheme using Near-optimal Retry Computation and Sophisticated Memory Management in Multi-core Environment

  7. Detection of Microcalcification Using the Wavelet Based Adaptive Sigmoid Function and Neural Network

  8. Two-Dimensional Joint Bayesian Method for Face Verification

  9. Geohashed Spatial Index Method for a Location-Aware WBAN Data Monitoring System Based on NoSQL

  10. A Column-Aware Index Management Using Flash Memory for Read-Intensive Databases