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Download The Details (Last Revised on May 2, 2024)  

The Journal of Information Processing Systems is the official journal of Korea Information Processing Society. Abbreviated title is 'J Inf Process Syst'. It was launched in 2005. It is published bimonthly, on the last day of February, April, June, August, October and December of each year.



Papers should be submitted in English and concisely written. The page limit for the submitted paper should be 20, single-sided pages, including tables and figures. The paper pages should be consecutively numbered throughout. The length of the paper abstraction should do not exceed 200 words. Manuscripts exceeding these guidelines may be returned to the authors. In the submitted paper, the name of the authors, their affiliation, and acknowledgement should be included.

Introductory discussion should be kept to a minimum and the material published elsewhere should be referenced, not reproduced. The material not essential to the continuity of the text should be placed in the Appendices. Formulas must be numbered. Figures (or pictures) and tables, with captions, must be numbered and referred to in the text. Tables must be self-explanatory. Even if the figures (or pictures) are reduced in size for publication, they should be sufficiently large and clear enough not be affected by the process. If the figures or pictures are not original, the author should request permission from the relevant authors and this should be referred or remarked on the caption of the figure. References must be numbered in the order of occurrence and referred to in the text by bracketed numbers. All abbreviations are tagged in parenthesis when they initially used.

The author(s) of this article has (have) verified that its article is original and that it does not violate any other publisher's rights nor does it contain matters that may disgrace or invade privacy. All manuscripts should include the following types; research reviews and original articles.

It is the policy of the KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. Authors are required to obtain company clearance before final publication.

You can down load it from here:  KIPS copyright transfer form



All manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are peer-reviewed by 2 or more reviewers selected by the editor and associate editors. Letters to the Editor are reviewed and published on the decision of the editor. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor's decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscripts. When the final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to the JIPS format and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.


 PUBLICATION CHARGE (updated on May 2, 2024)

You should read the following policy of publication charge and select the right submission track.  

  - Regular Track (US $490 or KRW 490,000)

        1. Additional Fee: KRW 80,000 (US$80) per page (within 4 pages)

        2. Period: It will take average 1~2 years to publish an accepted paper.

            Papers will be processed on the first-accepted first-published basis.

        3.  Remark: The size must be within 11 pages including a photo and a profile (refer to the sample paper format).

        4. Decision: Accept, Minor, Major and Reject


    - Fast Track B (US $890 or KRW 940,000)

        1. Additional Fee: KRW 100,000 (US$100) per page (within 4 pages)

        2. Period: It will take average 7~8 months to publish an accepted paper.

        3. Remark: The size must be within 11 pages including a photo and a profile (refer to the sample paper format).

        4. Decision: Accept, Minor, Major and Reject


    - Fast Track A (US $1,200 or KRW 1,300,000)

        1. Additional Fee: KRW 100,000 (US$100) per page (within 4 pages)

        2. Period: It will take average 4~5 months to publish an accepted paper.

        3. Remark
           a. The size must be within 8 pages including a photo and a profile (refer to the sample paper format).
           b. References must be papers published within the last 3 years and should not be more than 10.

        4. Decision: Accept, Reject and Revision



Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS) will send The Journal of Information Processing Systems for free to individuals, libraries and educational institution worldwide. Full text PDF file are also available at the official website ( The number of circulation of paper is 540.



For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, "Guidelines on Good Publication (" can be applied.

This journal was supported by Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies [KOFST] Grant funded by the Korean Government (MEST). All publications of JIPS are indexed in Scopus, DOI, DBLP, EBSCO, Google and Google scholar and are also selected as the Accredited Journal by NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea).