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Search: "[ keyword: Big data ]" (21)

  1. Research on Transformation and Interpretability in Credit Classification

  2. Financial and Economic Risk Prevention andCountermeasures Based on Big Data andInternet of Things

  3. Network Anomaly Traffic Detection UsingWGAN-CNN-BiLSTM in Big Data Cloud–EdgeCollaborative Computing Environment

  4. Research on Personalized Course Recommendation Algorithm Based on Att-CIN-DNN under Online Education Cloud Platform

  5. Construction of Sports Event Standard System in theContext of Big Data and Internet of Things

  6. PSS Evaluation Based on Vague Assessment Big Data: Hybrid Model of Multi-Weight Combination and Improved TOPSIS by Relative Entropy

  7. A Network Intrusion Security Detection Method Using BiLSTM-CNN in Big Data Environment

  8. Application Analysis of Smart Tourism Management Model under the Background of Big Data and IOT

  9. Development Problems and Countermeasures of Rural E-Commerce Logistics in the Context of Big Data and Internet of Things

  10. Enhanced Regular Expression as a DGL for Generation of Synthetic Big Data