A Network Intrusion Security Detection Method Using BiLSTM-CNN in Big Data Environment

Hong Wang, Journal of Information Processing Systems Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 688-701, Oct. 2023  

Keywords: Big data, BiLSTM, CNN, Feature selection, Network intrusion detection


The conventional methods of network intrusion detection system (NIDS) cannot measure the trend of intrusiondetection targets effectively, which lead to low detection accuracy. In this study, a NIDS method which based on a deep neural network in a big-data environment is proposed. Firstly, the entire framework of the NIDS model is constructed in two stages. Feature reduction and anomaly probability output are used at the core of the two stages. Subsequently, a convolutional neural network, which encompasses a down sampling layer and a characteristic extractor consist of a convolution layer, the correlation of inputs is realized by introducing bidirectional long short-term memory. Finally, after the convolution layer, a pooling layer is added to sample the required features according to different sampling rules, which promotes the overall performance of the NIDS model. The proposed NIDS method and three other methods are compared, and it is broken down under the conditions of the two databases through simulation experiments. The results demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to the other three methods of NIDS in two databases, in terms of precision, accuracy, F1- score, and recall, which are 91.64%, 93.35%, 92.25%, and 91.87%, respectively. The proposed algorithm is significant for improving the accuracy of NIDS.

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[APA Style]
Wang, H. (2023). A Network Intrusion Security Detection Method Using BiLSTM-CNN in Big Data Environment. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 19(5), 688-701. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.01.0097.

[IEEE Style]
H. Wang, "A Network Intrusion Security Detection Method Using BiLSTM-CNN in Big Data Environment," Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 688-701, 2023. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.01.0097.

[ACM Style]
Hong Wang. 2023. A Network Intrusion Security Detection Method Using BiLSTM-CNN in Big Data Environment. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 19, 5, (2023), 688-701. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.01.0097.