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Search: "[ keyword: Classification ]" (48)

  1. Feature Extraction of Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Using Faster R-CNN and Automatic Severity Classification System Using Random Forest Method

  2. An Approach to Applying Multiple Linear Regression Models by Interlacing Data in Classifying Similar Software

  3. A Manually Captured and Modified Phone Screen Image Dataset for Widget Classification on CNNs

  4. Pointwise CNN for 3D Object Classification on Point Cloud

  5. Alsat-2B/Sentinel-2 Imagery Classification Using the Hybrid Pigeon Inspired Optimization Algorithm

  6. Industrial Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Based on Temporal Attention Augmented Deep Network

  7. Effective and Efficient Similarity Measures for Purchase Histories Considering Product Taxonomy

  8. Multi-granular Angle Description for Plant Leaf Classification and Retrieval Based on Quotient Space

  9. Enhancing the Reliability of Wi-Fi Network Using Evil Twin AP Detection Method Based on Machine Learning

  10. Three-Dimensional Shape Recognition and Classification Using Local Features of Model Views and Sparse Representation of Shape Descriptors