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  1. Mining Frequent Itemsets with Normalized Weight in Continuous Data Streams

  2. Approximate Clustering on Data Streams Using Discrete Cosine Transform

  3. A Hexagon Tessellation Approach for the Transmission Energy Efficiency in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

  4. Cryptanalysis on a Three Party Key Exchange Protocol-STPKE`

  5. GML Map Visualization on Mobile Devices

  6. A Hybrid Approach for Regression Testing in Interprocedural Program

  7. TOSS: Telecom Operations Support Systems for Broadband Services

  8. A Geometrical Center based Two-way Search Heuristic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickups and Deliveries

  9. Spatial Query Processing Based on Minimum Bounding in Wireless Sensor Networks

  10. Fault-tolerant ZigBee-based Automatic Meter Reading Infrastructure
    Kwang-il Hwang
    Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 221-228, Dec. 2009
    Keywords: AMR, AMI, Fault Tolerance, ZigBee