Construction of Customer Appeal Classification Model Based on Speech Recognition

Sheng Cao, Yaling Zhang, Shengping Yan, Xiaoxuan Qi, Yuling Li, Journal of Information Processing Systems Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 258-266, Apr. 2023
Keywords: Association Rules, Customer Demands, Euclidean Distance


Aiming at the problems of poor customer satisfaction and poor accuracy of customer classification, this paper proposes a customer classification model based on speech recognition. First, this paper analyzes the temporal data characteristics of customer demand data, identifies the influencing factors of customer demand behavior, and determines the process of feature extraction of customer voice signals. Then, the emotional association rules of customer demands are designed, and the classification model of customer demands is constructed through cluster analysis. Next, the Euclidean distance method is used to preprocess customer behavior data. The fuzzy clustering characteristics of customer demands are obtained by the fuzzy clustering method. Finally, on the basis of naive Bayesian algorithm, a customer demand classification model based on speech recognition is completed. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves the accuracy of the customer demand classification to more than 80%, and improves customer satisfaction to more than 90%. It solves the problems of poor customer satisfaction and low customer classification accuracy of the existing classification methods, which have practical application value.

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[APA Style]
Cao, S., Zhang, Y., Yan, S., Qi, X., & Li, Y. (2023). Construction of Customer Appeal Classification Model Based on Speech Recognition. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 19(2), 258-266. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0272.

[IEEE Style]
S. Cao, Y. Zhang, S. Yan, X. Qi, Y. Li, "Construction of Customer Appeal Classification Model Based on Speech Recognition," Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 258-266, 2023. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0272.

[ACM Style]
Sheng Cao, Yaling Zhang, Shengping Yan, Xiaoxuan Qi, and Yuling Li. 2023. Construction of Customer Appeal Classification Model Based on Speech Recognition. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 19, 2, (2023), 258-266. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0272.