A Multi-Level Integrator with Programming Based Boosting for Person Authentication Using Different Biometrics

Sumana Kundu, Goutam Sarker, Journal of Information Processing Systems Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 1114-1135, Oct. 2018  

Keywords: Accuracy, Back Propagation Learning, Biometrics, HBC, F-score, Malsburg Learning, Mega-Super-Classifier, MOCA, Multiple Classification System, OCA, Person Identification, Precision, Recall, RBFN, SOM, Super- Classifier


A multiple classification system based on a new boosting technique has been approached utilizing different biometric traits, that is, color face, iris and eye along with fingerprints of right and left hands, handwriting, palm-print, gait (silhouettes) and wrist-vein for person authentication. The images of different biometric traits were taken from different standard databases such as FEI, UTIRIS, CASIA, IAM and CIE. This system is comprised of three different super-classifiers to individually perform person identification. The individual classifiers corresponding to each super-classifier in their turn identify different biometric features and their conclusions are integrated together in their respective super-classifiers. The decisions from individual superclassifiers are integrated together through a mega-super-classifier to perform the final conclusion using programming based boosting. The mega-super-classifier system using different super-classifiers in a compact form is more reliable than single classifier or even single super-classifier system. The system has been evaluated with accuracy, precision, recall and F-score metrics through holdout method and confusion matrix for each of the single classifiers, super-classifiers and finally the mega-super-classifier. The different performance evaluations are appreciable. Also the learning and the recognition time is fairly reasonable. Thereby making the system is efficient and effective.

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[APA Style]
Kundu, S. & Sarker, G. (2018). A Multi-Level Integrator with Programming Based Boosting for Person Authentication Using Different Biometrics. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 14(5), 1114-1135. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0094.

[IEEE Style]
S. Kundu and G. Sarker, "A Multi-Level Integrator with Programming Based Boosting for Person Authentication Using Different Biometrics," Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1114-1135, 2018. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0094.

[ACM Style]
Sumana Kundu and Goutam Sarker. 2018. A Multi-Level Integrator with Programming Based Boosting for Person Authentication Using Different Biometrics. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 14, 5, (2018), 1114-1135. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0094.