Development of Flash Memory Page Management Techniques

Jeong-Joon Kim, Journal of Information Processing Systems Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 631-644, Jun. 2018
Keywords: flash memory, Page Replacement Algorithm, SSD


Many studies on flash memory-based buffer replacement algorithms that consider the characteristics of flash memory have recently been developed. Conventional flash memory-based buffer replacement algorithms have the disadvantage that the operation speed slows down, because only the reference is checked when selecting a replacement target page and either the reference count is not considered, or when the reference time is considered, the elapsed time is considered. Therefore, this paper seeks to solve the problem of conventional flash memory-based buffer replacement algorithm by dividing pages into groups and considering the reference frequency and reference time when selecting the replacement target page. In addition, because flash memory has a limited lifespan, candidates for replacement pages are selected based on the number of deletions.

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[APA Style]
Kim, J. (2018). Development of Flash Memory Page Management Techniques. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 14(3), 631-644. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0073.

[IEEE Style]
J. Kim, "Development of Flash Memory Page Management Techniques," Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 631-644, 2018. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0073.

[ACM Style]
Jeong-Joon Kim. 2018. Development of Flash Memory Page Management Techniques. Journal of Information Processing Systems, 14, 3, (2018), 631-644. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.04.0073.